Where did you go to high school and college?
I graduated in 1997 from Montpelier High School, and I am currently completing my Bachelor’s degree through Bluffton University.
What job do you do in our school?
What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?
· Volleyball coach for ten years
· Coordinate and run the Little Locos volleyball program
· Volunteer to supervise the weight room during the summer
· Head of the membership committee for the Athletic Boosters
· Volunteer for the athletic department by taking tickets, stating the track meets, or working the concession stand
· Class advisor including coordinating prom
· Served as elementary mentor for several years
· Volunteer chaperone for school dances and field trips
What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?
We have great students and staff. As someone who updates the website, facebook page, etc., I enjoy being able to post the accomplishments the students at Montpelier achieve through hard work academically and athletically. I also believe we have the most wonderful and caring staff that works hard every day. I witness staff members who use their own money to purchase supplies and items for their classrooms, who don’t claim overtime, and who put in countless hours above and beyond their daily schedules to help the students of our community. I am proud of our district and enjoy seeing all of the wonderful things happening here on a daily basis.
As a district we are working hard to save the district money. What are some ways that you help save money at school?
I volunteered to go through the main office forms/paperwork and find ways to scale back. We were able to eliminate or consolidate a lot of office paperwork which saves on paper and printing costs. I also try to reduce the amount of paper I use by saving my EMIS reports to my computer compared to printing them.
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