Monday, February 27, 2012

Staff Survey - Getting to Know Mrs. Bess Cooley

Where did you go to high school and college?
I graduated in 1997 from Montpelier High School, and I am currently completing my Bachelor’s degree through Bluffton University.

What job do you do in our school?
I am the EMIS Coordinator for the district. EMIS (Education Management Information System) is the statewide data collection system. Staff, student, district, building, and financial data are collected through this system. EMIS data is submitted to the Ohio Department of Education during several reporting periods. After each submission, various verification and error reports are generated. I use these reports to make adjustments to data on an ongoing basis. Aside from my EMIS duties, I do all enrolling and withdrawing for the district which includes open enrollments. I also update the school website, calendar, electronic sign out front of the school, facebook page, the channel 100 news, and the Locos on Track blog.

What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?  
·         Volleyball coach for ten years
·         Coordinate and run the Little Locos volleyball program
·         Volunteer to supervise the weight room during the summer
·         Head of the membership committee for the Athletic Boosters
·         Volunteer for the athletic department by taking tickets, stating the track meets, or working the concession stand
·         Class advisor including coordinating prom
·         Served as elementary mentor for several years
·         Volunteer chaperone for school dances and field trips

What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?
We have great students and staff. As someone who updates the website, facebook page, etc., I enjoy being able to post the accomplishments the students at Montpelier achieve through hard work academically and athletically. I also believe we have the most wonderful and caring staff that works hard every day. I witness staff members who use their own money to purchase supplies and items for their classrooms, who don’t claim overtime, and who put in countless hours above and beyond their daily schedules to help the students of our community. I am proud of our district and enjoy seeing all of the wonderful things happening here on a daily basis.

As a district we are working hard to save the district money.  What are some ways that you help save money at school?
I volunteered to go through the main office forms/paperwork and find ways to scale back. We were able to eliminate or consolidate a lot of office paperwork which saves on paper and printing costs. I also try to reduce the amount of paper I use by saving my EMIS reports to my computer compared to printing them.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Staff Survey - Getting to Know Mr. Ryan Bonitz

Where did you go to high school and college?
            I graduated from Wooster High School and attended The University of Akron

What grade/s and classes do you teach?
            5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band, 7/8 Band, High School Concert Band, High School Jazz Band, and an introductory guitar class (Guitar I)

What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging?
            As the instrumental music teacher, the act of learning an instrument and playing in an ensemble is a lot of fun!  Class time is spent building the tools to become better musicians, and preparing for a variety of performances at all grade levels.
            As an example, our Jazz Band has been preparing a variety of songs to play at various “gigs” in and around the community. This gives the students the opportunity to experience what a professional musician does.

What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?  (Supplementals and Volunteer)
            In addition to teaching in class, I also direct the Montpelier Marching Band as well as the Pep Band.  The Marching Band begins rehearsals in the summer, around the same time as the fall sports teams.  After school, I provide free instrumental music lessons to students from a variety of grade levels.

What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?
            For me, having the opportunity to work with all of the music students here.  We have a lot of talented and hardworking students here, and I relish the chance to help them become better musicans.

As a district we are working hard to save the district money.  What are some ways that you help save money at school?
                Reducing paper use, utilize our existing musical library, and taking steps to maintain and repair existing school-owned instruments to provide a quality music education.  Fundraisers are also conducted to help provide additional funding for the music program.

Staff Survey - Getting to Know Mr. Jason Johnston

Where did you go to high school and college?  
I graduated from Edgerton High School in 1993, Wright State University in 1999 with my bachelor’s degree in elementary education, and BGSU in 2008 with my master’s degree in educational administration.

What grade/s and classes do you teach?
I have been teaching, going on my 12th year now, all at Montpelier. I first taught 5th and 6th grade health and 5th grade special education for a year before moving to the 6th grade where I taught language arts and social studies for a year. Then I taught just 6th grade social studies for 9 years and now I am currently teaching 7th grade social studies and loving it!

What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging?  
I do many simulations to give the students a personal experience with different aspects of world history.  The projects the students will be doing in 7th grade social studies are about Greece, Rome, ancient China, and the Renaissance.  The students participate in a variety of activities that put them right in the middle of the action!  By doing this, I show them the relevance of ancient history in their lives today.
What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?  (Supplementals and Volunteer)  student teaching mentor, junior high boys basketball coach, junior high boys track coach, junior high dance chaperone, athletic boosters member, help with BFS summer program, athletic events ticket taking, school-level National Geographic Bee coordinator

What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?  
The kids!  I’ve always said, we don’t know what we’ve got until we take them out of their element.  I’ve been on countless field trips over the years with just our students as well as with other school’s students at the same place and I hear and notice the same thing.  People everywhere have nothing but great things to say about the respect, courtesy, and manners of our students.  And the students notice it about themselves as well.  We have such high expectations for our students here at school that it shows outside these walls.  They are wonderful at rising to the occasion in support of any fundraising for good causes, they are excellent at showing good sportsmanship in the field of play, and I believe they truly leave Montpelier Schools better people!  What a truly wonderful difference we make in these young people’s lives!

As a district we are working hard to save the district money.  
What are some ways that you help save money at school?  I have never been one to make tons of copies, but I am even more conscious of it lately.  When I do make copies, I scan a copy of everything I do into Moodle.  That way, if a student loses the copy I’ve given him/her, they can go see it online.  I also try to save as many copies as possible to reuse down the road.  Much of what I do is on Moodle anyway, so I am trying to go as paperless as possible.  Also, I buy as much of my materials as possible whenever I can.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

MHS Student Hopes to Teach Art

 “Giraffe” by Wendy Duchene

Montpelier, Ohio – February 7, 2012 – Wendy Duchene is making plans to attend college and study to be an art teacher one day.  Currently a Junior at Montpelier High School, she is a very talented artist who prefers to draw animals, especially their eyes.  “The eyes of an animal tell you how they feel – you can almost tell what they want to say to you”, she explains.  She was very excited to learn that her work had been selected for display at Kannel Superior Agency, Inc.

Wendy’s impressive pencil drawings of a tiger and giraffe display careful and deliberate details that make them jump off the page.  Her preference for the eyes of the animals is obvious as they seem to reach out and speak to you.  Wendy attributes the support of her parents, Bob and Tammy Duchene, family and friends for her accomplishments so far.  “None of this would happen with them” she notes.

Kannel Superior Agency, Inc. is proud to feature Wendy’s work in their office and invites the public to stop in and see “Tiger” and “Giraffe” during the months of February and March.  The office is located at 301 West Main Street, at the heart of historic downtown Montpelier.  For more information, contact Chris Kannel at 419-485-4281 or
Chris Kannel (left) from Kannel Superior Agency, Inc. accepts “Tiger” and “Giraffe” from Wendy Duchene (center) and Bobbi Miller, Wendy’s instructor.  Photo by Lisa Geleide.

Staff Survey - Getting to Know Mrs. Bobbi Miller

Where did you go to high school and college?
            I went to Anthony Wayne HS in Whitehouse, Ohio
            Art Degree from Kent State
            Teaching Degree from BGSU
            Masters Degree from BGSU

What grade/s and classes do you teach?
            Art 4th grade, 8th grade, HS. Since I have been here I have taught every grade level.

What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging?
            All of our projects are hands on activities which the students enjoy

What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?  
            Art Show, Display art at the Public Library, Display art at Hillside Nursing home, Made ornaments for town tree, Painted town windows, Work with Chris Kannel to promote HS student art work, Volunteer with painting faces at for different fundraisers at school

What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?
            Interacting with the students and their willingness to be creative

As a district we are working hard to save the district money.  What are some ways that you help save money at school?
                I buy supplies need with my own money, and save on shipping costs by picking up supplies needed.

Staff Survey - Getting to Know Mrs. Jenny King

Where did you go to high school and college?
High School- Pettisville  College- Defiance College

What grade/s and classes do you teach?
6th, 7th, High School Art

What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging?
  • The 6th grade students just finished a unit on fossils.  They created a two dimensional and three dimensional replica of a fossil.
  • The 7th grade finished a Kinetic art project where they designed “gears’ that when you pull the cord they spun.
  • High school classes are working on various things from glass, chalk drawings, pottery, and photography.

What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?  
The Montpelier Art Show, student displays at Art Space, student displays at the public library. 

What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?
The number of students who are interested in art and the support from the community for the arts here at Montpelier.

As a district we are working hard to save the district money.  What are some ways that you help save money at school?
I do several recycled art projects, as well as, purchase supplies with my own money.

Staff Survey - Getting to Know Our Preschool Staff

 Mrs. Kim Hutchison 

Where did you go to high school and college?
Whitmer High School in Toledo, The University of Toledo with a Bachelors degree in education

What grade/s and classes do you teach?
Preschool Aide

What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging?
Exploring with different materials and activities, movement with music, real life experiences

What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?
We are included in all the special events and assemblies and the wonderful technology.

As a district we are working hard to save the district money.  What are some ways that you help save money at school?
We turn off all the lights when we leave the room and shutdown computers over the weekend. We don’t make as many copies anymore.

Mrs. Glenda Funnell

Where did you go to high school and college?  
Archbold High School, Anderson University (BA); BGSU – Masters in Education

What grade/s and classes do you teach?  

What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging?  
Music and movement, real-life experiences, exploring and experimenting with materials

What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?  We have access to all the technology that other classes have available to them.  We are included in many of the school-wide activities, assemblies and special events. 

As a district we are working hard to save the district money.  What are some ways that you help save money at school?  
We turn off our lights when we leave our room and turn off our computers over the weekend.  We ask for used bulletin board paper for our art easel and center. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Staff Survey - Getting to Know Mrs. Lisa Tippen

Where did you go to high school and college? 
I attended Maumee High School. I received my Bachelors Degree in Education from BGSU, and my Masters Degree from the University of Toledo.

What grade/s and classes do you teach? 
I currently teach 7th grade language arts. I have also taught 7th grade social studies and 5th grade language arts and social studies.

What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging? 
Since moving back to language arts, I have found ways to do hands-on activities to enhance student learning. We make little books, pop-ups, and other 3-D projects to review story elements, parts of speech, and vocabulary terms. In the near future, we will be creating PowerPoint presentations to summarize a story we read in class.

What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?   I am in charge of the Resident educator program, which involves working with all new teachers and their mentors. I also have a “Homework Room” every day where students can stay late and get extra help. I am available 5 days a week for this program.

What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools? 
I love my job! The kids are great, and every day is different. I am honored to have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of my students.

As a district we are working hard to save the district money.  What are some ways that you help save money at school? 
I use “Moodle” in order to post assignments and materials online, rather than making copies. I also purchase the majority of my teaching materials and supplies. In addition, I try to be creative with using materials I already have in creative ways, and reusing others.

Staff Survey - Getting to Know Mr. Blayne Bible

Meet a teacher and coach who is dedicated to help our students "lift the bar" for their success!

I went to high school at Montpelier and college in Defiance.

I am the 6th-10th grade PE/Health teacher.
In health class the students pick a person with great character to learn about and write a report on, the students also make a public service
bulletin about things that can harm a person’s body.

In physical education class we start everyday with some type of running and calisthenics to work on our cardiovascular and muscular endurance.
Professionally, Outside of my teaching duties I am an assistant football and track coach at the high school level.

Voluntarily, I coordinate study tables and BFS in the winter with coach Coleman and coach Thorp. I started lifting clubs for both boys and girls as well as the Spartan Warrior Club which is a very difficult test of a young man’s strength, endurance and resolve. I also volunteer to run a before school lifting program for athletes from 5:45-7:00 three days a week called the Dawn Patrol and I attend athletic events and academic ceremonies such as games, meets and graduations.

The best thing about Montpelier Schools is the students.

To save the school money I drive the school van with equipment and athletes to and from football games and track meets.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to Receive Updates From the Athletic Department

You can sign up for eCommunications through the School Website using the ECommunications Link on the bottom left navigational bar of the website.  It is quick and sample and it is another way to keep you on track with the Locos!

Enjoy today's updates!

Updates from the Athletic Department

Congratulations to Sean Taylor, Tyler Benner and Dan Hand for earning a trip to the district tournament in wrestling.  Tyler finished 3rd in his weight class with Sean and Dan finishing 4th.  They will compete at Owens CC this weekend beginning on Friday.  Good Luck

Congrats to Zech Thompson and Stephen Cooley for advancing to the jh state wrestling tournament as they competed last weekend in BG.  Zech took 1st place and Stephen took a 3rd in the tournament.  Both will compete in Youngstown on March 10th.  Good Luck

Tonight the girls will compete in sectional play at Bryan starting at 6:15pm as they battle Hicksville. Come and Support the Lady Locos 

The boys will play their tournament game in game 2 next Wednesday night.  Pre-sale tickets will be on sale in the athletic office from 7:45-3:15pm each day thru next Wednesday.  Adult prices are $6 , student price are $4 with all tickets being $6 at the door

Athlete of the Week!

Congratulations to the Wrestling Qualifiers!

Congratulations to the wrestling qualifiers!
  • Sean Taylor, Tyler Benner, and Dan Hand advanced to the High School District Wrestling Tournament. They will compete this weekend at Owen's Community College.
  • Zech Thompson and Stephen Cooley are advancing to the Junior High State Wreslting Tournament. They will compete March 10 in Youngstown.

Staff Survey - Getting to Know Mrs. Katy Brancheau

Where did you go to high school and college?
I went to Edgerton High School and graduated in 2004.  I graduated from Defiance College in 2009.

What grade/s and classes do you teach?
I teach English 9, General English 11, and Communications.

What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging?
I do my best to engage students in thoughtful discussion on a daily basis.  Students also do several projects throughout the year that let them show they understand the literature we read in ways that are usually interesting to them, including opportunities to build, draw, write, create, and/or act. We spend time working with music when we are working with poetry and act out scenes while reading Romeo and Juliet.  I do my best to keep the activities in my classroom as hands-on as possible.            

What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?  
I coach high school cheerleading for football and basketball seasons.  This includes organizing and running the Little Locos Cheerleading program.

What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?
The people I get to work with are great!  I love my time working with the students here and enjoy the other staff members.  I feel very lucky to be surrounded by  so many great people on a daily basis.

As a district we are working hard to save the district money.  What are some ways that you help save money at school?
I make an effort to be resourceful in my classroom.  I have reduced the amount of paper I use in my classroom and often provide my own classroom supplies.  In 2010 I worked to get a classroom set of the book The Hunger Games donated to my class through the organization Donors Choose.  These books are still in use. 

Staff Survey - Getting to Know Mr. Ben Lupo

Where did you go to high school and college?

I went to high school at Grosse Pointe North High School in Grosse Pointe Woods, MI and attended Heidelberg University for college.

What grade/s and classes do you teach?

I teach 6-12 choir, 6th grade general music, History of Popular Music, and History of Western Music.

What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging?

The sixth graders attend a Toledo Symphony Orchestra concert annually to give them a more visual and hands-on experience with orchestral instruments.  I bring my cello in and give students the opportunity to touch and attempt to play a stringed instrument.

Locomotion takes an annual trip to competition/festival.

Glissando participates in OMEA District I Large Group festival and will have a guest clinician to hear and evaluate their work before concert.

What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?  

I am the 5th grade musical co-director and High School Musical Co-Director, as well as the Locomotion advisor.  I work with students to prepare for honors choirs and the all-county choir.  In addition, I am working with a few students who have been having academic difficulty to help them improve their grades.

What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?

The best thing about Montpelier Schools is unquestionably our kids.  I look forward to work every day – it is a joy to help these students discover a love and understanding of music.

As a district we are working hard to save the district money.  What are some ways that you help save money at school?

I post notes and information online, use the choral public domain library for some of my music (to save the district music costs).  I run the sound and set lights for concerts on my own as a volunteer.  I limit my copying as possible and do not ask for mileage reimbursement.  I pay my own membership in my professional organization (OMEA) and saved for the year to be able to attend the state conference, where I learned a great number of new tools I can use in the classroom.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Passionate Parent

Dear Montpelier Ohio, 
United States of America
The Greatest Country On Earth

I, also, have a voice that I believe warrants merit in the conversation at hand. I am the father of three Montpelier students; with a fourth young, also beautiful individual with promise and hope as her essence like her siblings and their classmates, soon to enter. I am writing this response spontaneously, unplanned with utmost respect to all persons and their right and privilege to communicate whatever opinion(s) they might have on this forum. 

I would like to first start by expressing my deepest gratitude to all the staff, including also the community at large, tax paying community,students, volunteers, support staff, teachers, and administrators alike. 
I have been taught, and have accepted as FACT, that we are as we do and that our character is best defined when our ethics, integrity, our bonds, and our commitments to one another as individuals, families, communities (especially those that pride themselves on time tested values) are tested most vigorously. I understand, firsthand, the apprehension and discomfort of the challenges....that we are all facing. I was also taught that before anyone or any group takes action, they or the collective should ask themselves a few very pointed questions. The first question we should ask ourselves as a communityis, “What are our priorities? For today. for tomorrow and next week...for next season or next year, 5 years?...10, 20.
What sacrifices have been laid down before me, you, us to provide opportunities that I, you, we have both benefited from and perhaps have taken for granted alike? Did people in our communities that did not have children actively in the school system or even at all for that matter pay taxes and pass levys that supported your or my education; the answer is yes. Shall I, you, we define ourselves, our community, OUR CHILDREN’S, GRAND CHILDREN’S....FUTURE PROBLEM SOLVERS’, CARE GIVERS’, TAX PAYERS’ futures and potentials with petty under informed distractions to the real points at hand? The world is what we make it....Montpelier will become what you, MR. and Mrs./Ms. Voter, Mr. and or Mrs./Ms. Volunteer and Teacher, Administrator, and Parent we decide what kind of chance Montpelier will have for a future. The youth will reflect your values in action and attitude not in rhetoric and posturing for posturing sake. Should we be asking what’s fair or right about this levy for each and every sub group with in our culture? Yes, however anyone who would legitimately be able to claim that this levy would be their financial “breaking point” or that it would dramatically reduce their quality of living is almost certainly tax exempt and would REMAIN unaffected; and I would challenge anyone to give a specific example that stands in contradiction. Are educating our children as effectively as possible, in a world that is growing ever more competitive and challenging, and asking what needs to be done to prepare ourselves, our children and grand kids for these turbulent times the right type of question Montpelier? Of all the sacrifices a community can make...should its trajectory and the quality of its future not be last among them? Or will we accelerate this breakdown of our communities hope engine(school)?

I implore every parent of a school aged child within the community to ask themselves, should I feel committed, as a parent, to a community that repeatedly chooses a SELF ENTITLED PATH of NOT PASSING THE LEVY( after using the system themselves and for their children in many cases) over their children's education/future? QUALITY EDUCATION = Future. If we CHOOSE to derogate the resources of the school further while demeaning the very persons who have sacrificed and continue to fight the good fight to give my children and yours the best education they can I will be ashamed of being part of this community all together.

The repeated calls, made from a handful of folks, for the administration and staff to do more and take less is equally myopic. We have a very dedicated, positive, and talented team of educators which some seem to be taking for granted. Good things are not cheap and cheap things are not good. And despite this, having made and been asked to make additional sacrifices our talented and dedicated team has maintained a positive educational environment. I fear that if this levy does not pass that we will risk loosing some irreplaceable dedication and expertise beyond the consequences of reducing the schools targeted resource power on a whole. My children with the help of my wife, myself and the Montpelier “Education Team” represent the very front edge of the learning potential for students in Ohio schools. If this Levy fails to pass the resources to feed their potential will fall below acceptable levels. I am a service connected disabled American Veteran, I work Full time, I volunteer coaching as much as my schedule permits, and I try desperately to be a living example for my children and have my grandfather look upon me with genuine pride for the character within. Are we a community that attends parades together and abandons desperate need behind closed curtains and in ballot boxes, in a Pyrrhic self service.?

There is a hole in earth that needs filled. We can discuss how it got there indefinitely. We can talk about why each of us should not have to get our shoes dirty, a sore back, or callused hands. We talk about holes past and holes future.
We can point fingers and become indignant and justified in self protectionism. We can then spend our time counting how many time each set of hands touches the shovel. While someone else tries to count the broken legs of children hobbling past the far side of the hole. OR we can just start working feverishly to fill the hole and minimize the injury...then look for ADDITIONAL WAYS to feed our youth advantage in the form of knowledge and skills.
How many men and women in our community with a little time to spare are knowledgeable and passionate about wood working, metal craft, culinary arts, sewing and crafting, a foreign language, and so many other valuable skills that we have already had washed from school budgets. We need to be working on ways to increase our resources for education like our very future depends upon it. IT DOES.

I would like to close by repeating my fervent belief that everyone, agreeable and disagreeable, should be included in this dialog. I also would like to say that I do try to see the point from all vantages and with full open minded objectiveness....try being the operative word there. I apologize to anyone who may take offense to my passionate nature and deeply felt beliefs and values. I truly feel as if this funding will prove a game changer. When this LEVY PASSES our community and children will realize that we are what we claim to be...this will provide precious social capitol to strengthen our communities bonds; i implore our local leadership from all avenues to coordinate pulling all sects together in new and lasting ways that continue to make Montpelier Ohio a place one can proudly call their community. Thank you for your time, attention, and dedication to a bright beautiful and promising future for all of us in Montpelier, NW Ohio, Ohio, The USA.

Montpelier’s ALL Star Educational Team we love, appreciate you deeply and salute your efforts and positivity.

Respectfully Passionate and Opinionated,