Cuts & Reductions

The information presented on this page is written by Dr. Jamison Grime, Superintendent MEVS unless otherwise indicated.

Have teachers taken a pay cut and reduction in benefits?
*answer coming soon

How many routes are the buses currently running and how many will be run after the new year?
*answer coming soon

Since the district is already going to do without an assistant principle during the 2012-2013 school year, is there any way to accelerate this to help save the busing this year?  I guess the question is can that contract be suspended and what would be the savings if it could?

I have asked this question too and there are a lot of things to take into consideration and there is still discussion on this topic.  One point to consider is that need our Superintendent to do "Superintendent" duties.   We have a lot of discipline problems right now and we are working very hard to improve our test scores and both these things require administrative time and attention.  There are many things that only administrators can do so if we place extra work on the administration that we have then there will be an intangible cost to the district.  I totally agree that the safety and well being of our children is important but I also see an opportunity for our community to step up and help our children.  For example, moms and dads, grandparents etc. can organize carpools, set up meeting points to walk with the kids, and serve as crossing guards.  Unfortunately only administration can do the duties required to have an administrative license.

Knowledge Works (Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation) released the Ohio Smart Schools report on March 1 that rank orders the non-instructional efficiency of school districts by typology. We are considered a typology 1, which is rural, high poverty. There are 97 districts in the state that fall into this category. The big report tells all the indicators that need to be met to be considered a highly efficient district. 

School-Level administration-20 out of 97 but actually 5 out of 97 because we met all the indicators

Gail Dick, Board of Education Member

*more comments coming soon

Do the air conditioners at Superior Athletic Complex run during the summer?

There are 2 AC compressors that never get turned on because we don't use the AC out there. Those are leftover from when the school was actually being used as a school.

How much did we save through staff reductions?