Monday, December 19, 2011

Letter Sent Home on December 19, 2011 to Parents Concerning New Bus Stops

Lion's Club Poster Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the Lion's Club Peace Poster Winners. This year's theme was "Children Know Peace."   Winners were, left to right, Christian Blosser (3rd gr.), Courtney Best (1st), Hunter Ambrose (2nd.) and Lion's Representative James Waterston.  

Great job!

Archery Club's First Shoot

The Archery Club placed 3rd at  the Fairview Holiday shoot on Saturday December 17, 2011.  Lita Banks placed 3rd in the girls division, missing first place by 2 points.  Lita shot a 277 out of 300.  Our shooters did a fantastic job representing  Montpelier.  Great Job!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Role of School Board Members

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this blog.  I have considered it an honor and a privilege to serve as a school Board Member.  It has been a blessing to work with so many people who care about not only our school, but our community.

The following is Exhibit #5 from the MEVS Board Meeting Agenda for December 13, 2011.


WHEREAS, it shall be the mission of the Montpelier Exempted Village School District to provide all students with the best possible education; and
WHEREAS, the School Board sets the direction for our community's public schools by envisioning the community's education future; and
WHEREAS, the School Board sets policies and procedures to govern all aspects of school district operation; and
WHEREAS, The School Board keeps attention focused on progress toward the school district's goals and maintains a two-way communications loop with all
segments of the community and
WHEREAS, serving on a School Board requires and unselfish devotion of time and service to carry on the mission and business of the school district; and
WHEREAS, the School Board must respond on behalf of the community to the educational needs of students; and
WHEREAS, the School Board voluntarily accepts the above-mentioned responsibilities;
NOW, THEREOFRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we proclaim January 2012 as School Board Recognition Month in our school and community.
Exhibit #5

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Good Job Kids!

Athlete of the Week (12/5 – 12/9) 
MHS Junior, Lauren Dye, Girls Basketball
In three games last week, Lauren posted huge numbers. Against Ayersville she had 14 points and 8 rebounds, against Fairview she had 12 points and 7 rebounds, and against Swanton she had 29 points and 8 rebounds. Lauren is a hard-working athlete who puts a lot of time into the game of basketball.

November's Little Loco Leaders  -  GRATEFULNESS
KK - Mariah Cook, Alexis Wyse
Kindergarten - Brennen Friend, Noah Jay, Alexxander Budd, Meara McGee, Matthew Sinclair, Shyanna Jones, Connor Perez, Anna Gillmour
1st Grade - Easten Richmond, Mandy Taylor, Evn Rummel, Angel Perez, Kaycee Humbarger, Ashtyn Mason, Peyton Cupp, Aliah Iveson
2nd Grade - Grace McDaniel, Cyrus Elliot, Trinity Richmire, Noah Hiler, Kathryn Sabatino, Angel Simmons, David Bowman, Lily Wind

November Word of the Month Winners  - GRATEFULNESS
3rd Grade - Hunter Burlew
4th Grade - Roman Sommer
5th Grade - Britney Zuber
6th Grade - Alaina Russell
7th Grade - Katelynn Belknap
8th Grade - Caitlin Rawlins

SOARS (Students with Outstanding Attitude Really Shine) Award Winners – Quarter 1
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
Meadow Wind
Britney Vonalt
Sarah Higbie
Josie Stantz
Ethan Marihugh
Riley Dangler
Austin Peffley
Gunner Kerr
April Schaffter
Matthew McClaine
Rees Deitemeyer
Tiarra Tibbetts
Brayden Johantgen

Ann Schilt
Ashlynn Steffes
Hope ayers

Kaitlyn Alpaugh
Alex Abrams
Kalynn Warner

Jaden VanTong

Cameron Knepper

Peyton Houk

7-12 Honor Roll – Quarter 1
**All A’s
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Katelyn Belknap
Paishence Bacon
Sabrina Bowman
Adam Altaffer
Kaley Adams
Ashley Altaffer
Michael Blake**
Wyatt Beck
Lisa Cook
Lita Banks
Tyler Benner
Kirsten Birdsall**
Corrina Cluckey
Jordan Birdsall
Jacob Dewire
Patrica Belknap**
Devin Boehm
Joel Daft
Bryce Cooley
Hannah Blake**
Christy Duchene**
Becca Bowers
Zoe Bolen**
Jessica Dilley**
Paige Deetz
Cody Bolen
Janelle Dunseth
Casey Clark
Stephen Budd
Kelsie Fritsch
Madisyn Deitemeyer
Amber Chapin
Trymecia Ford
Leslie Clark**
Donovan Chamberlain
Jessica Hellard
Jacob Earle**
Madaline Eitniear
Katelynne Frantom
Amber Cooley
Wendy Duchene
Breanna Henry
Morgan Eriksen
Gage Gigax
Ashley Friedel
Justin Dolman
Lauren Dye**
Aliah Hitzeman
Tiegan Gallant
Savannah Graham
Baylee Hageman
Jessy Duchene**
Hayley Geren
Kayla Ingram**
Isaac Hutchinson**
Tara Halferty
Marisa Hillard**
Joshua Dunseth
Corbynn Hamrick
Amber Jarboe
Shawntae Jenkins**
Warren Hulbert
Sidney Houk**
Ashley Gill
April Jordan
Tyson Jones
LesLee Keller
Logan Hutchinson**
Christina Jensen
Abigail Hiler
Adam Kimble**
Katie Layman**
Meili Leung**
Brooke Keller
Hayley Karr
Keegan Hitzeman
Jonathan Kulpinski**
Logan McKelvey
Landri McKelvey
Jimmy Kelley
Jacob Leung**
Kelci Ibarra
Nicole Lenz
Angela Peluso
Austin Miller
Andrew Luke
Connor Link
Hannah Jenkins
Aleah Maas**
Cassidy Reese
Caitlyn Nixon**
Gunnar Matson
Jared Lyons
Rachelle Kelley
Kelsi Martin**
Mitchell Rings
Ashtin Norrick
Clayton O’Neal
Nathaniel McCord
Adrianna Martin
Mackenzie Martinich
Morgan Rockey
Abigail Patrick
Darren Patterson
Hunter McKelvey
Marinna Mercer**
Damian Moreno
Adam Scott
McKenna Quaderer
Skyler Pearson
Cheyenne Miller
Martine Ortega
Christina Prather
Sarah Shanks
Shawn Ramey
Audrey Pirtle
Jared Sargent
Grant Quaderer
Morgan Roth
Kristopher Shoup
Jessica Reader
Madalyn Richmond**
Whitney Schilt
Seth Ries
Blaine Thorp**
Bradley Snyder**
Jared Rediger**
Samuel Rings
Kayla Schlosser
Sarah Sandoval
Michael Warner
Treg Waldron
Colin Rockey
Robert Ruppert**
Jared Shoup
Regan Steffes
Katelynn York**
Caitlin Ward
CJ Roth**
Simon Sae Wang**
Emily Sito
Taylor Wells
Travis York
Gretchen Weger**
Alexander Sandoval
Emma Sandefur
Breanna Stein**

Kristina Wheeler
Lenix Sands
Hope Scholma
Kearstin Tingle

Kayla Word
Kristina Short
Brandon Scott**
Ciara White**

Alex Yagelski
Alyssa Stoy
Nolan Stratton**
Cody Williams**

Kinsey Yoder
Andrea Vankham
Haley Suffel
Malorie Yagelski

Arielle Young
Madison Summers

Dalton Surbey

Collin Turner

November Green Team (To be a member of the green team, the student has to stay on green for behavior every day that month. Their reward is a picnic in the classroom with the teacher.)
Miss Vitek - Jonathan Hutchinson, Karryn Peffley, Chloe Martin, Xavier Perkins, Xander Cagle, Makaya Crisenbery, Cailynn Youan and Jade Scott
Miss Johnson - Ethan Adams, Arielle Bass, Jamison Grime, Tatum Grime, Eli Konoff, Faith Miller, Taylor Peel, Easten Richmond, Ayden Santos, Kelly Schaffter, Amanda Taylor, and Madelyn Hoover. 
Ms. Moor - Dylan Bass, June Best, Zacary Deitemeyer, Klayton Gearhart, Madison Gibler, Kaycee Humbarger, Jacob Lamontagne, Addie Mattern, Diana Sandoval, Leigha Scott, Gabrielle Stefanelli, Shay Warner, and Gavin Zyjewski.
Mrs. Brown - Haley Albright, Nevaeh Barcia, Natalee Beck, Morgan Buehler, James Camper, Landon Cavanaugh, Emma Dauwalter, Addison Dick, Courtney English, Eli Fackler, Brennen Friend, Noah Jay, Abigayle Maynez, Ahlia Peterson, Gary Robison, Elijah Rose, Ashton Salazar, and Kaylee Zigler

AR Accomplishments
25 Points Club
50 Points Club
75 Points Club
100 Points Club
Brennen Friend, KG
Trent Thorp, 1st
Paige Garcia, 2nd
Brandon Beattie, 2nd
Trista Ussery, 1st
Alyssa Custer, 2nd
Ayreon Daniels, 2nd
Baylee Joice, 2nd
Jerrica Gillett, 2nd
Olivia Custer, 2nd
Cadence Hillard, 2nd
Blake Altaffer, 3rd
Hayley Hoagland, 2nd
Bailey Richards, 2nd
Amy Prekop, 2nd
Ashton Dick, 3rd
Seth Howell, 2nd
Damien Vasquez, 2nd
Kaylee Fleagle, 4th
William Belknap, 4th
Zaida Dowalter, 2nd
Jordan Fry, 2nd
Brittany Osmun, 5th
Weston Dick, 4th
Kayden Heath, 2nd
Noah Hiler, 2nd

Adriana Lujano, 2nd
Scott Hillard, 2nd

Ariel Page, 2nd
Trenten Keesbury, 2nd

Trinity Richmire, 2nd
Parker Kreischer, 2nd

Blayz Robertson, 2nd
Everett Lashaway, 2nd

Riley Rockey, 2nd
Landon Brigle, 2nd

Shelby White, 2nd
Logan Moss, 2nd

Clay Giesige, 2nd
Krista Phongphiou, 2nd

Colin Mattern, 2nd
Rowen Beck, 4th

Angel Simmons, 2nd
Joseph Deitemeyer, 4th

Alexander Swany-Richmond, 2nd
Taylor Brown, 5th

Riley Birkhold, 2nd
Christopher Perkins, 5th

David Bowman, 2nd

Ethan Currence, 2nd

Jaden Fackler, 2nd

Aidan Higbie, 2nd

Brody Kreischer, 2nd

William Loveless, 2nd

Chelsea McCord, 2nd

Lily Wind, 2nd

Alivyah Wyse, 2nd

Meadow Wind, 3rd

Tylor Yahraus, 3rd

Brayden JoHantgen, 3rd

Brittney Vonalt, 4th

Paige Hickman, 4th

Braden Saneholtz, 4th

Roman Sommer, 4th

Daryke Bass, 5th

Aaron Brink, 5th

Christian Cavin, 5th

Dion Fleet, 5th

Dakota Gillett, 5th

Steven McClaine, 5th

Zachary Scott, 5th

Garrett Witte, 5th

Submitted By:
Bess Cooley
