The purpose of this blog is to educate and inform our community about our school. Please email questions to and answers will be given on the blog.
Montpelier Exempted Village Schools

Pride in Our School
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
5th Graders Enjoyed a Concert!
The 5th grade took a trip to the Bryan Arts and Education building today to enjoy a concert/demonstration by the internationally known guitarist, Edgar Cruz. Mr. Cruz performed in every style imaginable. Interesting for our 5th graders were the pieces he played by Bach, Beethoven, and Rossini - three composers the 5th graders have been studying in music class lately. The concert was free for the students, sponsored by the Williams County Community Concert Association.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Teacher Char Johnson and Deb Johnson Intervention Specialist
Teachers connect with students outside of the classroom on a regular basis. Their passion and enthusiasm shows in how they share their time, talents, and resources.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Char Johnson
Where did you go to high school and college?
Continental Ohio Northern University Ada, Ohio
What grade/s and classes do you teach? K-5 PE 9-10 PE/Health
What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging? I like to do a lot of hands on projects.
What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching? Archery club, vol-with 7-8th grade girls basketball, morning exercise program, volunteer driving bus take students to archery shoots, etc.
What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools? The way everyone is willing to help each other and the friendly atmosphere.
As a district we are working hard to save the district money. What are some ways that you help save money at school? Volunteering, buying my own supplies, using less paper by not coping as much.
More additional info:
- Mrs. Johnson started the Archery Club and keeps it growing with 75 archers this year!
- She has donated a lot of her own money to the kids/ archery club. For example: buying snacks for State archery competition, meals for the kids at a shoot, shoot entry fees, etc.
- Mrs. Johnson runs the Tuesday and Thursday Exercise Program for students.
- Both of these programs are before school in the mornings and archery is also on the weekends.
- She donates her time for these programs outside the regular school day.
Deb Johnson
Where did you go to high school and college?
Where did you go to high school and college?
I went to New Richmond High School,
University of Toledo with a BA in Psychology, and a BE in Education
Bowling Green State University with a Masters in Special Education and a reading endorsement.
What grade/s and classes do you teach?
I teach grades 9-12 as an intervention specialist. I teach multiple subjects depending on what our kids might need. I co-teach with general education teachers as well as maintain support for those students who are mainstreamed within the general education classroom.
I help out occasionally with the Archery club. I wrote the grant for grant from the Ohio Division of Wildlife in order for the school to get “free” archery equipment including bows, targets, nets, bow boxes, quivers, arrows, etc. for Montpelier Schools. I also volunteer to do Saturday school on occasion.
What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?
The best thing about Montpelier Schools is students and the staff. The students make teaching a great profession to do and the staff here at Montpelier go above and beyond to meet the needs of their students.
As a district we are working hard to save the district money. What are some ways that you help save money at school?
A lot of lessons are performed through technology with allows for less printing and copying thus saving money. When I go to professional development, I do not ask for reimbursement for mileage, etc. This year I have bought a lot of classroom supplies from my own salary. This year I bought a series of novels to use in the classroom because I knew it would interest my students and keep them engaged in reading and learning. Help “volunteer” for the Archery club when I am able to. My husband has donated his time and supplies to make items for the wresting auction and the archery team.
Junior High Students Donate to a Good Cause
Congratulations to Mr. Johnston's 7th grade class for receiving a pizza party sponsored by the Salvation Army. Over the Christmas season, our junior high students collected loose change to donate to the Salvation Army. Mr. Johnston’s class raised $70 alone and $150 was donated in total. This past Friday, JoAnn from the Salvation Army came into school to present Mr. Johnston’s class with a pizza party and plaque to display at school. Way to go junior high students!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Stay In Tune With Our Elementary
Our school newsletters provide lots of information about our school.
Visit the January 25, 2012 Newsletter for the following topics:
Visit the January 25, 2012 Newsletter for the following topics:
- Mrs. Graham's Honey Bits of Notes
- Valentine's Parties
- What Do Teachers Do During The Early Release Days?
- Thank You Academic Boosters
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- 2012 Spring Early Childhood Screenings
- Story Time at the Williams County Public Library in Bryan
- Positive Character Trait for the Month of January
- Please Notify the Office of Changes
- Boxtops
Did you know you can find Parent Newsletters and Parent Resources on the school website? Go to our school website look for Schools on the first horizontal navigation bar with the drop down arrow and select Elementary School (PreK-6). Next look to the right and and clock on View All News. You might want to bookmark this page so it is quick to locate. Below are a few examples of what you will find:
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Friday, January 27, 2012
A Day in the Life of a Montpelier Elementary Student
Please take the time to enjoy a video of our K-2 Students going through their day. There are a lot of smiling faces and a variety of activities. It is great to see children so young using technology to learn!
Thank you Mrs. Graham, Elementary Principal, for sharing this with us!
Teacher Stephanie Friend & Secretary Lori Martin
This is the 3rd post of a series of posts dedicated to all those who devote their time to our students both in and out of the classroom.
Thank you for your hard work!
Stephanie Friend
High School English Teacher
Where did you go to high school and college?
Montpelier High School and BGSU for my bachelor’s and master’s
What grade/s and classes do you teach?
English 10, English 12, Creative Writing (open to 9-12)
What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging?
We utilize technology often to create projects. I also try to incorporate pop culture and hands-on projects whenever I can to help the students connect to the material in a way that is meaningful.
What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?
· Gradebook trainer and liason for staff members
· Member of Master Teacher evaluation committee
· Served on Ohio District and Building Leadership Teams
· Member of Short Cycle Assessment Creation team – focus on Reading
· Teacher mentor
· Student Council Advisor - coordinate charity donation activities (i.e.- Relay for Life, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society movie event)
· Montpelier Educational Association Vice-President
· Work with students before and after school and during planning time
· Dance chaperone
· Served on many hiring committees
· Serve on the NHS selection committee
· Serve on the senior scholarship interview committee
What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?
The students at Montpelier Schools are the best. They are fun to be around, caring, hard-working, and sadly, sometimes under-appreciated. They are an inspiration to me.
As a district we are working hard to save the district money. What are some ways that you help save money at school?
I have cut way back on copies by using my SmartBoard. I often buy my own supplies. I purchased my own printer and use that instead of the school’s whenever I can. I do whatever little things I can.
Lori Martin
- Academic Booster treasurer since 1995
- Music Booster chairperson since 2002
- Concession stand coordinator for Music Boosters
- Volunteer for sporting events to take tickets, keep time at track meets, give out awards at track meets, etc.
- Junior class advisor
- Accompanied elementary music programs
- Accompanied girls' choir competition in Sandusky
- Volunteer for high school musicals, props, wardrobe, pit orchestra, etc.
- Volunteer field trip chaperone for Locomotion, Young Astronauts, Science Olympiad, etc.
Seniorita Laura Frey
This is the 2nd post of a series of posts dedicated to all those who devote their time to our students both in and out of the classroom.
Thank you for your hard work!
Laura Frey
High School Spanish Teacher
Where did you go to high school and college?
I graduated from Pettisville High School in 2005 and I graduated from Bluffton University with a B.A. in Spanish, English & TESOL in 2009
What grade/s and classes do you teach?
I teach Spanish Levels 1-4 in the High School
What are some of the activities or projects you do in your classroom to make learning fun and engaging?
We do a lot of hands-on conversational activities, such as skits and games to get the students involved in their own learning. We also focus a lot on learning about places in the Spanish-speaking world and seeing how our cultures compare to one another. We have fiestas on the big Spanish holidays and enjoy crafts as well.
What professional and/or student related activities do you participate in addition to teaching?
I am the Quiz Bowl advisor and Spanish Club advisor.
What is the best thing about Montpelier Schools?
The best thing about Montpelier is the “small-ness”. I like knowing all of my students so well and even most of the students I do not have in class. It really creates a sense of community among all of the teachers and the students.
As a district we are working hard to save the district money. What are some ways that you help save money at school?
I have greatly reduced my printing costs this year in an effort to save money for the school, and I work with Spanish Club to do fundraising on our own rather than counting on district money for our activities.
Additional Information:
- Senorita Frey is working to organize a student trip to Spain, Paris, and London for 2013.
- She and students are getting excited and listening to songs for their Justo Lamas field trip with Spanish Club students in April.
- Spanish 1 just finished a fashion show where students dressed up and walked down the runway complete with a strobe light!
- Spanish 3 & 4 just wrote a one-page paper in Spanish, and learned about many different places. They did a great job!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Teachers Dawn Smith and Lance Thorp
This is the first of a series of posts dedicated to all those who devote their time to our students both in and out of the classroom.
Thank you for your hard work!
Dawn Smith
- High school girls basketball coach
- Runs Little Locos camps
- Provides intervention for struggling high school and junior high students to give them one-on-one help.
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes Huddle Leader
Lance Thorp
- Saturday School monitor
- Relieves study hall for 10 minutes during conference every day
- Head Baseball Coach
- Holds open gyms open for any baseball player at any age 3 times a week from November to end of February
- Has open practices for junior high baseball in spring for 2 weeks
- Junior High Football
- Volunteer Stats man for Varsity Football
- Little League Baseball Volunteer Coach
- Run/Coordinate Little League Coaches and Baseball Clinic every year in April that is 100% free
- Helps little league commissioners with travel team tryouts/discussions
- Volunteered/put together 7 and under baseball
- 1st and 2nd grade Flag Football Volunteer. We will also be starting this in Montpelier next fall that will also include 3rd and 4th grade.
- 1st and 2nd grade Basketball Volunteer
- Coordinate High School Lock-In every year
- AD stand-in during winter if needed
- Conducts study tables at various times
- Bigger Faster Stronger program volunteer supervisor in summer and winter
- Volunteers as a high school dance chaperone
- Athletic booster member
Spelling Bee Champ!
Congratulations to the Williams County Spelling Bee Champion, Maddie Richmond!
Maddie is an 8th grader at Montpelier and became the first student to win the county spelling bee all four years of her eligibility. Montpelier 7th grader, Meili Leung, was the county runner-up. Maddie and Meili went six rounds head to head before Maddie was named the winner. Maddie will compete at the regional spelling bee in Fort Wayne on March 10. Congratulations to both Maddie and Meili!
Maddie is an 8th grader at Montpelier and became the first student to win the county spelling bee all four years of her eligibility. Montpelier 7th grader, Meili Leung, was the county runner-up. Maddie and Meili went six rounds head to head before Maddie was named the winner. Maddie will compete at the regional spelling bee in Fort Wayne on March 10. Congratulations to both Maddie and Meili!
Friday, January 20, 2012
SOARS Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received the quarterly SOARS (Students with Outstanding Attitudes Really Shine) award!
3rd graders: Kaitlyn Jones, Sonja Alvira, Morgan Cohoon, Ashley Caudill, Elijah Hutchinson, Hailey Ball, & Canon Lamberson
4th graders: Brianne Young, Braden Saneholtz, Ali Echler, Teaira Athy, Erica Deetz, Caleb Null, Morgan Lyon, Skyler Parsons, McKenzie Hitchcock, Rowen Beck, & Alison Lamontange
5th graders: Hanna Bumb, Kierstyn Hendress, Brysin Swalley, Mark Short, & Alexis Marihugh
6th graders: Alex Bishop, Colten Gulick, Ashton Brown, Katie Scott, Noah Conklin, Olivia Tindall, Jacqueline Carlson & Nathan Hutchinson
New Athletic Boosters Page
Please check out the new Athletic Boosters Page found just above the blog entries. Thank you Athletic Boosters for all the hard work and dedication to our sports programs!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
School Level National Geographic Bee
Congratulations to Sam Rings for winning the school level National Geographic Bee! Connor Rosebrock received 2nd place and Brandon Scott received 3rd. Good job boys!
Submitted by Bess Cooley
Submitted by Bess Cooley
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Congratulations to Montpelier High School’s Homecoming Court!
Congratulations to Montpelier High School’s Homecoming Court!
From left: Brennen Friend, crown bearer; Christy Duchene and Jared Sargent, freshmen attendants; Abby Hiler and Anthony Frisby, sophomore attendants; Angela Peluso and Tyson Jones, senior attendants; Kayla Word and Alex Yagelski, king and queen; Kirsten Birdsall and Tyler Jones, senior attendants, Cassandra Rudolph and Daniel Hand, junior attendants; Kinsey Word, crown bearer
Congratulations Jessica Dilley!
Congratulations to MHS Senior, Jessica Dilley, for being named Miss Williams County in the 2012 Pride of Williams County Pageant!!
Submitted by Bess Cooley. From the Bryan Times Website
Submitted by Bess Cooley. From the Bryan Times Website
Friday, January 13, 2012
Spelling Bee Winners
Congratulations to the Spelling Bee winners!! Earning first place was 7th grader, Meili Leung. Runner-up is 8th grader, Maddie Richmond. Both girls will have the opportunity to compete in the Williams County Spelling Bee at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24 at Edon Schools. The winner of the county bee will represent our county at the Fort Wayne area finals March 17. The winner of the 14-county Fort Wayne area bee attends the National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C.
Thank you Bess Cooley for submitting this information.
Thank you Bess Cooley for submitting this information.
School Finals for the National Geographic Bee
Congratulations to the following students who have qualified for the finals of the school-level 2012 National Geographic Bee: Kennedy Caudill, Connor Rosebrock, Aubree Moss, Destiny Oliphant, Kiara Taylor, Colin Rockey, Blazik Brown, Cody Bolen, Sam Rings, and Brandon Scott. The final competition will be Monday night at 8:00 in the Auditeria.
Thank you Bess Cooley for submitting the information.
Thank you Bess Cooley for submitting the information.
Kindergarten Students With a Hibernating Den
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Little Loco Leaders - Responsibility
Congratulations Little Leaders!
· Imagin Morgan and Akasha Warner (KK)
· Natalee Beck and Landon Cavanaugh (KA)
· Kadynce VanDeVorde and Jaxon Richmond (KB)
· Kinsey Word and Lilly Holtom (KC)
· Sierra Michael and Rylan JoHantgen (KD)
· Arielle Bass and Ethan Pontius (1A)
· Xavier Perkins and Alyssa Bass (1B)
· Jacob Lamontagne and Klayton Gearhart (1C)
· Rees Brown and Melana Morales (1D)
· Keileigh Horton and Olivia Custer (2A)
· MiKayla Hornung and Ayreon Daniels (2B)
· Katelynn Foote and Baylee Joice (2C)
· Aiden Higbie and Riley Birkhol (2D)
· Joey Wiyrick
December's Word of the Month Winner
The winners for December's word of the month:
From Left to Right:
Audrey Pirtle (8th Grade), Tre Hutchinson (5th grade), Cameron Knepper (6th Grade), Tylor Yahraus (3rd Grade), Tristen Halferty (4th Grade), Caitlyn Nixon (7th Grade)
The winners received a $5.00 chamber gift certificate.
The word of the month for December was Responsibility.
Great job kids!
Submitted by Bess Cooley. Thanks Bess!
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